Top Dollar Angus

A True Win-Win

We’re there every step of the way connecting people to people, serving as a resource throughout the value chain helping cattlemen & women capture the value in the products they’ve labored to produce.

If you’ve invested in high-value genetics to produce Angus, Red Angus or hybrids such as CharAngus, SimAngus, and Balancer and believe your cattle rank in the top 25% of the breed for growth and carcass traits, give us a call so we can begin serving you.

Top Dollar Angus and Blue Grass Stockyards are excited to announce their partnership to expand Top Dollar Angus resources East of the Mississippi!

“Thank you Top Dollar Angus for assisting our farm to get above market value on the sale of our cattle. We are looking forward to this partnership with your certification program to be a game changer in the cattle market industry.”

Scott Widner, Widner’s Long Creek Farms

“Working for superior livestock I have found a great relationship working with Top Dollar Angus. TDA staff has done a great job in providing buyers as well as being there on shipping day. Jon and Patty Tebelius of Bowdon ND have shipped several sets of top dollar qualified calves while reaching top dollar prices. Top Dollar Angus is easy to enroll simply by evaluating bull epd’s that meet TDA qualifications, from top genetics throughout the country.”

Jake Bauman, Superior Livestock

I think the Top Dollar program did a great job getting the word out about my calves and backed that up with great service & support.”

Mark Dexter, Nebraska Cattleman

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