From the seedstock and cow/calf producer all the way to the feedyard, Top Dollar Angus works endlessly to help you profit from high-value genetics.
John & Patty Tebelius share their thoughts and success on Top Dollar Angus
John and Sheri Hester have been long time believers that using superior genetics makes not only their program more profitable, but also gives those feeders who purchase their cattle the best return on dollars invested as well. Earlier this month that exact scenario played out once again when the Hester Family marketed their Top Dollar Angus verified calves through Torrington Livestock Auction in Torrington WY. Even in a completive market like Torrington with less than 36hrs notice buyers still showed that verified superior genetics are truly worth more.
After running statistical analysis considering lot size, sex and weight of cattle sold the Hester’s 200 steers achieved a $44.42 premium per head with their 106 head of heifers bringing $24.75 per head above the average for the day. That makes for a grand total of $11,507 of additional income for the day. While Top Dollar Angus cannot take full credit for these premiums it is safe to say the Top Dollar Angus team’s hard work promoting these cattle added value to the Hester’s offering. Congratulations to the Hester’s on a successful sale day and once again providing a great example of what Top Dollar genetics can do for the commercial cattlemen.

Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners Sell Angus Bulls at Higher Prices
Analysis of 298 Angus bull sales held from January-April this year uncovered a financially important fact. Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners sold bulls for $1,027 more per head, on average, versus non-Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners. See summary information below.
Angus Bull Price Comparison:
Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners $6,485 average bull price (42 sales)
Non-Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners $5,458 average bull price (256 sales)
Difference in average price $1,027 per bull
Note: This price difference is statistically significant (P<0.001).
Data Source: Sale summary information came from sale reports on the AAA website.
The explanation for such a large difference is two-fold. First, Top Dollar Angus genetics (bulls with top 25% growth and carcass EPDs) are in greater demand by commercial cattlemen. Ranchers prefer these bulls and are generally willing to pay more to own them. They desire premium bull genetics because they know the value of their calf crops will increase.
Second, by being a Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partner, the superior genetics in the sale offering are third-party verified and differentiated in a positive manner to prospective buyers. A bright light of recognized excellence is shown on the entire bull offering, and especially on those individual bulls which are Top Dollar Angus-qualified and that carry the well-known Top Dollar Angus logo in the sale catalog. Of course, the Top Dollar Angus feeder cattle program is part of the package too.
Astute seedstock producers constantly seek to meet the demands of commercial cattlemen, and by doing so can improve their own results on sale day. Top Dollar Angus Seedstock Partners understand this and have aligned their genetics with what commercial buyers demand. They are being rewarded accordingly. Top Dollar Angus does its part by making sure they stand out in the crowded field of bull sellers. It’s a win-win situation backed up by real-world results.