
Andrea Rutledge

Andrea Rutledge

Seedstock Specialist

Andrea was raised on a fifth-generation farm and ranch in north central Montana near Big Sandy, where she continues to maintain the family traditions today. From a young age this experience drove her passion for the beef industry, motivating her to gain every type of experience she could.

During high school, she spent time on the Montana State FFA officer team, and job shadowing with reproduction specialist, Dr. Casey Solomon DVM, fostering her love for beef cattle reproduction. Attending Montana State University was an easy choice for Andrea. Understanding that more experience was key, she took a position at the MSU research ranch. While at college, an opportunity to serve on the Junior Red Angus Board of Directors allowed Andrea the chance to work with seedstock breeders and peers to gain a better understanding of the beef seedstock industry.

After her two terms on the junior board, Andrea participated in an internship with us at Top Dollar Angus in 2020. During that time, she worked directly with our Seedstock and Feeder partners promoting the Top Dollar Angus message. Looking to further her knowledge, she then had the honor of interning with R.A. Brown Ranch, gaining hands-on experience that taught her the ins and outs of a working seedstock operation. Focusing on data collection and customer service for R.A. Brown provided even more knowledge to be used in her next role in the industry.

In 2021, Andrea graduated with a degree in Animals Science from Montana State with a focus on livestock management. She was fortunate enough to return to the ranching industry and help with the family ranch after graduation. Andrea also had the opportunity to work for Ranchers Connecting Ranchers as an independent contractor. Her role focused on verifying feeder cattle for programs such as SAV, NHTC, and all-natural beef.
